
Friday, 5 February 2016

The Start Of Everything New

Hello lovelies!

Well what can I say - I have a clean slate at the moment. Everything is pure and positive and finally on the right track. University starts soon, I have a new job that is actually at the university as well and I am moving out of home (kind of). 

First off - university. I’ve kind of touched on this in my last post but I thought I’d dive into more depth of what I’ll be doing etc now. I will be doing what is called a conjoint degree - basically studying for two degrees at the same time. My main degree will be a bachelor in Law (LLB) and bachelor of Arts (BA) First year law I will be studying intro to legal system, case law and statute law. As for the BA, the subjects I’m taking are international relations, criminology and theatre. Musical theatre was a big part of my life when I was little so getting back to even a taste of that will be magical. My timetable is full on and I will be extremely tired, especially with endo, but I am so motivated to just make it happen since I have waited so long for it and worked so hard to get where I am now.

To make university even more exciting and getting me on the edge of my seat in terms of wanting to start straight away is I obtained a job at a bar/cafe inside the university called The Hunter Lounge. Working and studying in the same place - how good is that?? Everything has fallen into place all at the same time and I go to bed at night so happy knowing everything is finally working out the way I had always hoped it would.

Thirdly! I am (not officially) moving out of home! On my days of study I will be staying closer to the university and coming home on the weekends. Just a stepping stone until I flat with fellow minded people from uni. It’s a step in the right direction and gaining some of my own independence as well as being in a new environment and being around a quiet place (which is always a bonus for study). Not to mention the fact one of my neighbours is a lawyer - who practices the same types of law that I want to. 

In terms of endo - the pain has been dying down a little and not being so prominent every day. The only negative thing that has happened with endo recently is the return of bleeding during intercourse. Now, it went away for a while so I was happy in the knowledge that it wasn’t going to happen again but then it decided to make itself known. Which to say in the least was a tad embarrassing so I went to doctor google as well as some endo sisters and everything that I am doing in terms of birth control and pain relief for endo is a contributor to mid-sex bleeding. Ahh, the joys. 

That’s all from me for now!

Lots of love,

Brie xx

Thursday, 7 January 2016


So it’s the New Year! And it has been a bit of a while since I last wrote a post; and yes I have slapped my own hand for my slackness. 

There are a lot of things that have happened since my last post that I need to bring you up to speed on. 

Fiji was fabulous! I did get a cold literally a couple of days before I went but it left relatively quickly - did feel like absolute rubbish the first night there though. Pretty sure the hot weather helped as well! After I got over that little hurdle, the ultimate fun began. I fell more in love with my little brothers (which I had no idea was possible) and it was extremely therapeutic to be around a relaxed environment, surrounded by the nicest people I have ever met. The difference between one country and another really astounded me and opened my eyes. It definitely has given me wanderlust and made me realise how important travelling is to broaden your perspective on things in your own life and others around you. But I digress. I went snorkelling which was on a day boat trip to a separate island off of Fiji and it was truly magical. We learnt all the uses of a coconut, how different coconut products are made and the history of Fiji. I met some lovely people (the majority of whom were from Australia) and it was so interesting how different each person was and what they do as a profession.

One big thing that has recently happened is I got accepted into law at Victoria University! So as of late February I will be starting my work towards my future career. Asides from law I will also be studying international relations, criminology and theatre. This part of my life has been a long time coming. Endo really impacted my study life and has put me back a couple of years; so finally getting to this point makes me a little but emotional when I think about it. It’s really given me encouragement that endometriosis cannot control every aspect of my life - it definitely influences every part but not control which I previously thought it did. Victoria University has a lot of disability services that can help assist me in my study should endo get the better of me at certain times that I cannot predict coming.

Moving out of home is also going to be a thing to happen to me this year. Which I am extremely excited about. Being closer to University and in an environment where the median age is not over 50 sounds like heaven to me right now. Where I can sit around the parade with an ice-cream on a beautiful sunny day.

In terms of endometriosis, my pain is definitely becoming more frequent and intensifying each time but I am really going to try and get through the first year of university without surgery. I can definitely feel it growing back - especially on my bowel. For the first time ever I had to stop mid intercourse because I was in so much pain - and that really upset me. Was hoping that I wouldn’t be one of those endo girls going through the pain (literally) of not being able to enjoy something that is meant to be enjoyed.

I can’t think of anything else that you all need to be updated on but I will be sure to check in more than once every couple of months.

Lots of love,

Brie xx


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